Poster Presentation Australasian Cytometry Society 43rd Annual Conference and Workshop

Applying targeted multi-omic approaches for granular functional characterization of cell subsets (#102)

Robert Balderas 1
  1. VP Biological Sciences, BD Biosciences, c/o Sydney office, Macquarie Park, Australia

Today, as the technologies in our industry mature and advance in complexity, speed to answer, ease of use and sensitivity, and the opportunity to use multiple approaches to answer high dimensional biological questions are changing and expanding our knowledge of immunology. This presentation will highlight the combined use of high parameter analytical flow cytometry and advanced single cell multi-omic tools (proteomic and genomic) to help define deep functional NK cell subsets following challenge with poly-IC treatment and MCMV in a mouse model. The approach will consist of the use of sorting subsets using advanced high parameter sorting, fluorescent barcoding to reduce experimental batch effects, an advanced database of the mouse receptor proteome, a targeted set of RNA probes and an analysis using a divisive tree structure for downstream analysis of functional subsets.